Soccer is my favorite Internatioal Game. I had been watching TV the important games of "2014 FIFA WORLD CUP BRAZIL". All the competition games will have the win and loss result. The winner team and country's player and people are alway showing their happyness and excitement and looser team and county feel unhappy and miseriable。But my personal feeling is that no matter winner or looser, time will be bring everything and everybody to the normal life soon.
「美式足球」是我很喜愛的國際比賽運動。2014 在巴西舉行的「世畀盃足球賽」我看了多場的主要比賽。所有的比賽結果都有輸贏。「幾家歡樂幾家愁」嬴的國家隊和人民都會表現出興高彩烈之情,而輸的國家隊和人民都會垂頭喪氣表現出愁雲慘霧的心情。但我的感觸是不論輸嬴,時間將會很快的讓每個人回歸正常的生活。