MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE (我的「人生感悟」) 2014.07.20
"kARMA" is happened in any where any time in our living life. Just like I took my below photo in this early morning at 5:20am from our back window. Its disappeared when I po my feeling words on FB and going to swim. The point is that when you meet any special "Karma" or "View" ,you have to catch it immediately without missing.
「緣」在我們的生活中處處可見,時時可遇,正如今晨 5:20am 我從後窗拍到的這張「雲景」照片,俟我 po 到 FB 我心中感言後,去晨泳前此很特別的「雲景」已消失無蹤了。重點是當你遇到特別的奇「緣」或奇「景」時,務必即時把握住機會,以免「稍縱即逝」。