MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.09.21
I am feeling very happy recently that two of my over 40 years good friends are mentioning and pointing out that they are admiring my conception of articles and my some of favorite collections. I tell them that there will be my tragedy and miserable things in my life, if my son or daughter are not realizing and keeping my articles and favorite collections for me and fortunately my son and daughter are all know it and like them too.
我最近頗感快慰,有兩位超過 40 年的好友提及並指出他們羨慕我的想法和文章,也喜愛我的一些收藏品。我說倘若我的兒子和女兒不在意也不保存我的文章和我喜愛的收藏品,那才是我此生的悲劇和難過之事, 還好我很慶幸我兒子和女兒均很識貨也很喜歡。