MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.09.28

Help and be helped each other are always happened between friends all the time. The point is that when we are helping friends without hurting their dignity and forget it right away from our mind are the best. And when we need friend's help without losing our dignity is also the premising thing, but we have to bear in our mind what the friends did for us。

朋友之間的相互幫助是很稀鬆平常之事. 重點是當我們幫助朋友時務必顧及不可傷到朋友的自尊心而最好立即忘掉此事。然而當我們需要朋友的協助時, 也不能失去我們的尊嚴為前題, 但我們務必勞記在心朋友幫助之事。


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