MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.10.06

My personal point of view for retired people's living in avoiding boring that you have to check and find out what kind of hobbies and dreams had been hiding since your childhood? What are your favorite sports, activities, foods, games, trips, enjoyments of Arts, Musics, Shows and movies etc. Don't just staying in one thing always but changing subjects on your favorite things all the time.

我個人的看法為了避免退休生活的無聊,你必須查看並找出那些是埋在心中已久的童年嗜好及夢想呢? 什麼是你最喜愛的運動、活動、 餐飲、消遣、旅遊、藝術、音樂、戲劇和電影等。不要只作單一的事情,而須經常的變換多樣的喜好事項。


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