MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.09.19

We are mentioning and using a lots on our familiar with a Chinese character and idiom about "HEART" in our life. The explanation and emphasis of Chinese idioms regarding our heart are plenty. But we all know it that "HEART" is only an important organ of our body, actually our thought and ideality are all occured by our brain not by our "HEART"。

我們一生中經常提及並常用到我們很熟悉的一個中文字及成語「心」. 有關「心」的陳述及成語不計其數. 但眾所周知「心」只是我們身體中很重要的器官,而實際上我們的思想及意念均由我們大腦產生而非由我們的「心」。


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