MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.10.08

Don't request other people has the same conceptions and agreements with us in many respects. Don't complain why the results are always turning out opposite without following our previous plans and arrangements? Actually everything is possible, successful or loose are just like between one line only, but everything should has the reasons in behind, if we could find out at before hand is our lucky。

不必要求他人在很多方面的觀念和看法與我們一致。不要抱怨為何事與願違,為何事情的結果往往都沒按照我們原先的計劃和安排呢? 其實任何事都有可能,成敗只是一線之隔而已,但凡事背後必定有原因,倘若事先能預知就是我們的福氣了。


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