MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.10.18
Since my childhood I was told by my parent and I always believed in my life that "God is always watching us on 3 feet up of our head" and if you did the evils or bad things to harm the people or your society etc. must be paid sooner or later. I watched TV last night, it proved above warning is absolutely right and true. Evidently no matter how rich and how much of strong background you have, finally still can't escape the whole people's reject and law punished。
從小我父母叮嚀而我始終遵循的一句話: "舉頭三尺有神明" 倘若作了對不起他人或社會等壞事,遲早絕對會得到報應的。昨晚看電視,證明上述警語完全確實不虛。很顯然,不論有多少的財富,有多少強而有力的背景,最後仍逃不過全體人民的唾棄及法律的制裁。