MY PERSONAL FEELING OF LIFE ( 我的「人生感悟」) 2014.10.20

No any history is complete truth in the world. Whole the movies are produced even shown the real stories are all be revised. I like a movie produced in 2000 "Gladiator" and I am surprised to know that the Empire of Roman "Marcus Aurelius" actually he was a most famous" King of Philosopher」and not killed by his son at all. He wrote down his Diary named "Better Thoughts, Better Way Out" for their people of Roman and whole people of the world。

世上沒有任何歷史是完全真實的。所有電影的製作,既使標榜是真實故事拍成均被改編過的。我很喜歡一部 2000年的電影「神鬼戰士」,但也很驚訝的發現這位羅馬皇帝「馬可.奧理略」其實是羅馬帝國最負盛名的「哲學皇帝」,而被他兒子謀殺完全不是事實。他寫下的日記「沉思錄」後人以「思路決定出路」之名出書,嘉惠全體羅馬人及全體世人。

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